EFT Supervision


Hi. Maybe you’re here for supervision and you’re thinking:


So, what kind of work can we do together in EFT supervision?


I really want to grow in EFT but how do I do this?

I’ve done all of the required EFT trainings but where do I even begin with certification?

I like EFT as a model but I’m overwhelmed when I think about using it with an actual couple. HELLLPPPP.

I work with historically marginalized clients or I myself am part of a historically marginalized people group. How can you provide a brave space for me and my clients??

Whew. Those EFT trainings turned your world and your mind upside down, didn’t they? You found people, like you, who want to do client work really well and now you have 238 questions about how to apply EFT now.

I’m also betting that you didn’t just learn about the EFT map for clients, but I bet those trainings opened up parts of you that you weren’t expecting - about your own attachments, what you saw growing up in your home, how you see yourself, how you experience your partner, or even made you think about the type of partner you want or type you want to be.

Or maybe you didn’t feel so much overwhelmed as the trainings galvanized a part of you to do attachment and experiential work really well and you’re eager to learn more (that was me!).

Or, maybe you walked away from training thinking, “Damn. That’s a really white, cis, hetero space. Where do I even fit in as someone who doesn’t identify like that? Is there even space for me in this model and within this community?”

It. Is. A. Lot. Of. F*cking. Information. Is your brain whirring?

However you may feel about the EFT model and community - you are welcome here. I want to speak to how want to come alongside of you as you grow yourself - and you will - your skills as a therapist, your self-of-therapist stuff, and more.

I’m so glad you’re asking yourself and me that and here’s what I want you to know about me as an EFT supervisor in training (SIT).

I want to create a space where you can be fully human AND bring your stuck places, doubts, questions, and frustrations as a therapist. Yes, we will learn about EFT, the tango, TEMPO, stage 1 and 2 and 3 BUT I know that you’re also a person, learning about your own attachment systems and I can guarantee those will get pinged doing this work. Mine still do. I want to help you be fully yourself as a human and as a therapist, while helping clients do the same. And yes, we’ll figure out the model and certification, and all that other important stuff too.

EFT has afforded me a way to really understand myself - my pain is held, my protections make sense, and I know I am innately good. I try to see the world and people around me with the same generosity - innately good, protected at times, and worthy of belonging and love. In this model I have found deep friendships, incredible mentors, life-changing learning and un-learning, and I want to create a space for you to experience something you deserve too. Are you ready to join me in this?

Here’s the not so fun, but important stuff you should know about me -

-I’ve been a therapist for 10+ years and have used EFT (sometimes not so well!) since learning the model in grad school back in 2012.

- I began pursuing certification in EFT in 2019 and more intensely in 2021, once we all re-emerged from the pandemic. (Weird times, amirite?!). I am now a certified EFT therapist and a supervisor in training (SIT).

-I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist based in Greenville, SC USA.

- I’m fluent in Spanish and offer client sessions in Spanish.

-I’m white, cis, and hetero but I work to be both an ally and anti-racist and I get supervision of supervision so I can create a braver space for clients and clinicians alike (I’m also a LMFT supervisor candidate in SC - so, lots of sup of sup!). I have a lot of experience working with clients who identify as BIPOC, as members of the LGBTQIA+ community, clients who are CNM (consensually non-monogamous / poly folx), and with clients who are neurodivergent.

-I’m getting supervision regularly to make sure I can come alongside anyone wanting to learn EFT but haven’t always felt safe to be the fullest version of their self alongside of people who look like and/or identify the same as I do (in terms of socio-cultural identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, etc.).

  • If you’re ready to chat to see if we’re a good fit for EFT supervision (individual and/or group), send me an email here.